
Category: Thesis [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Develop an OTG Module from Specifications 
Year: 2016 
Call No: T3 
K-NN Classification over Semantically Secure Encrypted Retained Data 
Year: 2016 
Call No: T4 
Tweet Analysis for Real Time event detection earthquake Reporting System 
Year: 2016 
Call No: T5 
Privecy preserving public auditing for secure cloud storage 
Year: 2016 
Call No: T6 
Calculation of Shortest Path in SDN using OSPI 
Year: 2016 
Call No: T7 
NAS Integrity and Checking 
Year: 2016 
Call No: T8 
Marketing Insights Hub Page 
Year: 2016 
Call No: T9 
Test Automation for Partner Performance Dashboard 
Year: 2016 
Call No: T10 
Request Handling System 
Year: 2016 
Call No: T11 
Partner Insights 
Year: 2016 
Call No: T12